Administration Home Overview

If you are administrator, you can go to the administrator menu by clicking on the following link:

Here you see different sections:

1. menu to go to all options on a specific job.

Configuration, Pages, Forums, Users, Plugins, Tools, Trash can, Other
Under Others, you can find:
Comments, Personal file space, Polls, Private messages, Ratings, Internal cache, BBCodes, URLs, Banlist, Hits, Referers, System log, Informations

2. Most common tasks.(Only for Cotonti, not Seditio)

Here you get a quick overview of the most common tasks you need to do as an administrator.
- Site properties
(Basic config , Titles, Skin and localization, Menu slots in header.tpl, Language, Time and date, Trash )

- Pages
(Structure of the pages (categories), Extra fields for pages, Set default sorting order, Parser )

- Users
(Basic config, Exra fields for users, Personal file system, Set permissions and PFS size, Private messages)

- Core functional
(Plugins, Forum, Page comments, Polls, Page ratings)

3. Administrator's QuickView.

Here there is a quick overview of some statistics.
- Activity for the past 7 days
- Hits for the past 15 days
- Cotonti specs: Version, database info, total plugins and hooks

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