Форумы / Cotonti / Support / how to make page ?

i need some ideas for this

#1 10.05.2016 07:57

So i want to ask hove can i make a standalone page where is displayed posts from all news categories ?

#2 11.05.2016 16:32

Page as in part of the CMS or page as in stand alone code outside the CMS framework.


Inside the CMS you could just set your news page so max articles is some overly large value, like 999999999 in the configuration.

Outside the cms, you could copy the news directory inside the plugins folder to another plugin, like hackednews

there you could change the values to somepagenameyouwant, create a custom skin for it and re-register the custom plugin

then arround line 94 of news.php you would want to remove the LIMIT qualifer for the news loop fetch.



#3 14.05.2016 18:55

Basicly i need a news page clone with categories switching, pagination and filters

i just don't yet understand how can i show posts from all pages categories like 


gives me posts just in news categorie 

but i wan't page to display all of entries from all page cats 


I'm sorry for my bad english i'm from Latvia

#4 16.05.2016 12:22

What you want is built in.

Under the news catagory page structure, its path is set to 3


Under that create your new "news catagories' all with the path of '3.1' .  This way they will all fall into the news template section.


As for English, bah I'm an American bad English is all we have. :)




#5 17.05.2016 12:18

Thank you that explained everything yes