Raylandar |
The new user registration email is not sending, as a colleuge of mine tried to register this morning, one with a private account and once again with a gmail account, neither of which sent the confirmation email. Even the most misconfigured mailhosts are accepted by gmail and end up in the spam filter.
Отредактировано: Macik (01.04.2016 21:59, 8 лет назад) |
Macik |
Thanks for paid attention. Now we provide maintenance for some parts of a working server. So it may be the reason for that. As a fast solution — you can write me Usernames of that accounts and I try to activate it manually. Добавлено 3 дня спустя: The problem seems to be solved. Please, test it. https://github.com/macik
правильный хостинг — https://goo.gl/fjCa1F |
Отредактировано: Macik (01.04.2016 21:58, 8 лет назад) |
Raylandar |
Hi Macik,
We will test this and let you know. :)