Форумы / Cotonti / General / automatic linkage

#1 12.10.2012 05:09

Hello, I may be remembering this wrong but on the old cotonti there was an option i nthe main settings to make any http://......  typed into the text boxer an automatic link ? I don't seem to see this with the new version of Cotonti

#2 12.10.2012 07:32

It depends on the parser/editor you use. Automatic links are still present in the bbcode parser the way it was before. With HTML there are different options. Sometimes the editor makes a link clickable when you paste it. And there is also an autolinking option in HTML Purifier plugin, see files in plugins/htmlpurifier/presets, e.g.:

'AutoFormat.Linkify' => true,


May the Source be with you!
#3 12.10.2012 08:21

Awesome, the auto linking option in the plugin worked for me.