Форумы / Cotonti / Core Labs / small admin request

#1 11.03.2012 21:58

Is possible to add a dropbox to the forum/page structure with which you have the option how many lines it displays? Now you standard have only 15, but maybe add 25, 50, 100?

think it could come in handy, when you have lots of cats..

thank you.

#2 11.03.2012 22:16

Do you mean just on Cotonti.com or for your own site? It can be implemented as a plugin quite easily I think; just override the config value.

#3 12.03.2012 03:02

I mean in the default package, admin side... it's just that when you change something (add a cat icon, for example) and you save, it returns to page 1. when you have 10 or more pages, and you'd need to add icons to let's say categories on pages 10 - 14, you constantly need to go back to page 10, etc to add something to the next/followup categoy. Imho it somewhat simplifies the work for an admin when you can adjust the tree to display more than 15 categories on on page.

Thought it to be a usefull addition to the structure of pages and forums. I, ofcourse, do not know how much work it is to implement. I know there is a plugin that will do that for the user side of it, but as an admin your bound to 15 lines per page in the structure tree admin part.

#4 12.03.2012 16:17

This particular thing is controlled by "Max. items per page" setting in Admin / Configuration / Main Settings. Though returning to the page 1 instead of page N where you were before editing an item, isn't the correct behavior for user experience.

May the Source be with you!
#5 12.03.2012 17:03

yeah, I found that already, but changing that setting doesnt work for admin/structure, hence my request :) but if it's a bug than my request is kinda useless.

Added 4 months later:

Uhm, dunno If you already tried to fix this, but with my latest fresh install this problem still exsists.. (the problem of being redirected to page 1 of the structure overview every time you edit a category)

Отредактировано: Kingsley (12.07.2012 18:09, 11 лет назад)
#6 14.07.2012 21:44
Please open a github ticket for this so we won't forget.

Added 17 hours later:

Fixed in 1fbab0f1. The number of items per page is still controlled by Config -> Main -> Max. items per page. I don't think it's necessary to include a way to show more items per page in the core package, but you could create a plugin to achieve this.

Отредактировано: GHengeveld (15.07.2012 14:46, 11 лет назад)