Форумы / Cotonti / Support / Forum Rank Image Addons

Assistance Required.

#1 29.03.2011 06:15

Hi all.

I was wondering how I could install the new rank images from http://www.cotonti.com/addons/icons/MadebyJoy.  I use the GamePortal theme so according to that my rank images are stored "skins/gameportal/img/system/", but is there nothing I should change before I upload the images?

Any assistance would be great, and I'd like to thank you in advance.

To visit my site please point your browser to http://www.crazygaming.co.tv

Added 2 days later:


Отредактировано: annihillator (30.03.2011 19:22, 13 лет назад)
#2 01.04.2011 10:15

Easiest way to do this is to give these new pics the same name as the ones you are using now, upload the new ones to your server overwritting the old ones.

Refresh your site and you should see them.


You could also consider backing up the old ones in case you want to revert back.


The files are there, I can see them:

<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
Отредактировано: foxhound (01.04.2011 10:18, 13 лет назад)