Форумы / Cotonti / Extensions / anyone help me?

some problem about tags

#1 19.03.2011 14:13

I like this cms,but i found that the url of tags has been "urlencode" twice,then it makes a problem.

for example,my tag "测试"(means "test" in chinese)

based on this cms,its url is "plug.php?e=tags&a=pages&t=%25E6%25B5%258B%25E8%25AF%2595"

but the url should be "plug.php?e=tags&a=pages&t= %E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95",which would work correctly.

so,what can I do now?

or,can anybody tell me where to edit the detail of "{INDEX_TAG_CLOUD}",then I may found a solution myself.

thank u very much!

Added 33 minutes later:

problem solved...

I add a urldecode before "tag_u" in tags.index.php

Отредактировано: darkseeker (19.03.2011 14:46, 13 лет назад)
#2 19.03.2011 17:41

The problem has already been discussed in comments for 0.6.14, the official fix is comming in 0.6.15 which is actually this:

Bugfix: in system/functions.php at line 4758 replace

return urlencode($str);


return $str;

May the Source be with you!
#3 20.03.2011 09:36

well,I know

thanks very much!