Форумы / Cotonti / Bugs / Archive / Problem with file downloads

#1 03.09.2008 23:40
For some reason download in, for example, http://www.cotonti.com/page.php?id=15 gives an error.
May the Source be with you!
#2 04.09.2008 02:06
page.inc.php (always the first code is the present, so to speak "corrupted" or "neglected" code)

		$t->assign('PAGE_FILE_URL', 'page.php?id='.$pag['page_id'].'a=dl');
		$t->assign('PAGE_FILE_URL', 'page.php?id='.$pag['page_id'].'&a=dl');

	header("Location: " . SED_ABSOLUTE_URL . "".$pag['page_url']);

	header("Location: ".$pag['page_url']);
#3 04.09.2008 02:18
Sure, that is stupid Find&Replace bug. Now fixed.
May the Source be with you!

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