Форумы / Cotonti / Support / Using $tab

#1 21.10.2009 20:48
Tell me please how to work with '$tab' function.I need it to work in users.***
I'w tried to just simply surround the needed part of the code with if($tab=='basic') {...} and use the link 'users.php?m=details&tab=basic' and 'users.php?m=details&id=1&u=SunChase&tab=basic' but it just doesnt show anything.
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#2 22.10.2009 00:28
Are you sure $tab actually exists? Just including it in the URL won't create the variable, you need to do this manually using the sed_import() function (unless your server has register globals enabled, but thats usually a bad thing).

$tab = sed_import('tab', 'G', 'ALP');
This will import the $tab variable from the url (GET) and validate it as an alphanumeric value (only letters and numbers allowed).
#3 22.10.2009 00:49
Thanks.It works
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity