Форумы / Cotonti / Skins / What you think?

Meh new skin

5uper Mario
#1 23.08.2009 22:31
Took forever.
Mainly cause I'm not used to converting skins from templates

But I'm proud to say it looks amazing!

I don't know...
what do ya'll think?
I put up a poll fer ya'll too :D

With a few more fine tuning and table color changing, it will turn out to be a great Contonti Skin!

C&C please.

Oh by the way I call it WAR-Dark
#2 23.08.2009 22:36

Try uploading it to a real website.
5uper Mario
#3 23.08.2009 22:40
# robotik :

Try uploading it to a real website.

Using IE I see?

And no, I'm fed up with "real" hosts
And I'm running like 5 other successful working sites...

I removed the stupid code I added
Should work now...

Added 5 minutes later:

My site in IE looks kinda bad...
See, dats why I use FireFox

Added 11 minutes later:

ok well IF anyone still get errors, heres a screenshot:

Sorry for dual screen I don't have time to cut it.
C&C Please.
Отредактировано: 5uper Mario (23.08.2009 22:58, 14 лет назад)
#4 23.08.2009 23:50
Looks nice.

Some remarks.
The page is in the center of the windows if you are in home and search.
For forums and tutorials, it is not centered, but displayed left.

Link color is nice. But hover color is horrible.
... can we help you ...
#5 24.08.2009 00:28
I used Chrome and it worked... stupid IE :)

I like the skin, but I'm kind of sorry to say that is looks too much like SED-Light, and not enough like its own skin. Dont take my comments to seriously though, as I could personally do no better.

The graphics are pretty awsome though, I like them.

Added 5 minutes later:

Also, one more thing:

Отредактировано: robotik (24.08.2009 00:34, 14 лет назад)
#6 24.08.2009 01:03
Not a bad work.Buuuut - I cant see the text...
The titles are completely unreadable.
The background of the blocks arent solid.You can clearly see where the bg picture ends.
Also the text is hard to read.Dark-grey on a black background.
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