Форумы / Cotonti / Support / access denied

#1 25.06.2009 07:07
Alright so i finally figured out the category system. I made list.flash.tpl list.group.flash.tpl and all of those pages. And made a new cat. using the code flash and I edited it, and it works just fine. but then when I add a sub category using a code like games (because it won't let me use flash for some reason) and put path 2.1 then go to the page http://www.pspextreme.comli.com/list.php?c=flash where it should list my subcategories I get a access denied and I'm the Administrator

Is this a bug?

btw I looks at the user rights and it says I have rights to everything
#2 25.06.2009 07:23
First all code names have to be unique as thats how they are identified.

As for the permission problem i'm not sure thats strange. Open the auth for that cat and just hit update, and see if it works then.

If not try clearing cache, and if it still doesn't work, delete the categories and try making thema gain.
#3 25.06.2009 08:12
yeah I can't figure it out ethier I delted and re-entered the category and I still get the error I'll see about clearing cache.

Update: hmmmm. just started working for some reason I delted and re-entered it a few more times and now its working. I have a question about the template mode......since the sub category can't use the same code as the main category, if I set the template to the same as the Category with the code flash it should use the list.flash.tpl and all of those pages right?
Отредактировано: duck101 (25.06.2009 08:20, 14 лет назад)
#4 25.06.2009 15:56
Correct it will