Форумы / Cotonti / Support / BB-codes on Page_desc

#1 12.06.2009 00:39
Could some one help me on this one:

On seditio in the page preview(title,short amount of text with "read more" button and ect.) i changed the field type of the page_desc to an analog of the page_text.And in this preview instead of a short part of the shown text i put the page_desc field.On seditio it worked fine

Now i'w done the same thing.In list.php it shows the description.But with one problem:it doesnt read the bb-codes and showes them just like text.

I'w tried to find some explanation in the Parser settings.Nothing wrong there.

Example of the modified text_desc:
	"PAGEADD_FORM_DESC" => "<textarea class=\"editor\" name=\"newpagedesc\" rows=\"24\" cols=\"120\">".sed_cc($newpagedesc)."</textarea><br />".$bbcodes." ".$smilies." ".$pfs,

Or speaking more simple:
How to allow LIST_CATDESC from list.inc.php and PAGE_ROW_DESC from news.php of the original news plugin to read and show the BB-Codes?
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Отредактировано: SunChase (12.06.2009 20:39, 15 лет назад)