Форумы / Cotonti / Localization / Trunk Localization Updates


#1 01.05.2009 15:57
REV 705:

- 8 new strings in main.lang.php
- 24 strings removed from sed-light.en.lang.php
- tpl-files edited to accommodate the above changes
- minor fixes

Affected Files:

Detailed Info:

 * Config Section

$L['core_lang'] = $L['Language'];
$L['core_menus'] = $L['Menus'];
$L['core_parser'] = $L['Parser'];
$L['core_title'] = 'Titles (<title> tag)';

 * Config Section
 * PFS Subsection

$L['cfg_disable_pfs'] = array('Disable the '.$L['PFS'], '');
$L['cfg_pfsfilecheck'] = array('File Check', 'If Enabled will check any uploaded files through the '.$L['PFS'].', or images through the profile. To insure they are valid files. "Yes" recommended, for security reasons.');	// New in N-0.0.2
$L['cfg_pfsuserfolder'] = array('Folder storage mode', 'If enabled, will store the user files in subfolders /datas/users/USERID/... instead of prepending the USERID to the filename. Must be set at the FIRST setup of the site ONLY. As soon as a file is uploaded, it\'s too late to change this. It is not recommended to change this setting for now.');

 * Config Section
 * Title Subsection

$L['cfg_title_pfs'] = array($L['PFS'].' title', 'Options: {PFS}');

 * Users Section

$L['adm_maxsizesingle'] = 'Max size for a single file in '.$L['PFS'].' (KB)';
$L['adm_maxsizeallpfs'] = 'Max size of all files together in '.$L['PFS'].' (KB)';

 * Other Section
 * PFS Subsection

$L['adm_allpfs'] = 'All '.$L['PFS'];
$L['adm_help_allpfs'] = $L['PFS'].' of all registered users';
$L['adm_nogd'] = 'The GD graphical library is not supported by this host, Cotonti won\'t be able to create thumbnails for images. Go for '.$L['Configuration'].' > '.$L['PFS'].' and set "Thumbnails generation" to "'.$L['Disabled'].'".';
+ $L['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Language'] = 'Language';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Menus'] = 'Menu Slots';
+ $L['Parser'] = 'Parser';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Photo'] = 'Photo';	// New in N-0.1.0
+ $L['Signature'] = 'Signature';	// New in N-0.1.0
 * forums.newtopic.tpl

- $skinlang['forumsnewtopic']['Title'] = 'Title';	// Problem

 * forums.posts.tpl

- $skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus'] = 'Online status';
* $skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus0'] = 'user is offline'; // N-0.0.2
* $skinlang['forumspost']['Onlinestatus1'] = 'user is online'; // N-0.0.2

 * page.tpl

- $skinlang['page']['FilesizeKB'] = 'KB';

 * page.add.tpl

- $skinlang['pageadd']['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';
- $skinlang['pageadd']['URL'] = 'URL';

 * page.edit.tpl

- $skinlang['pageedit']['Extrakey'] = 'Extra key (optional)';
- $skinlang['pageedit']['URL'] = 'URL:';

 * pm.tpl

- $skinlang['pm']['Page'] = 'Page';	// Out?

 * users.details.tpl
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Memberof'] = 'Member of';
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Signature'] = 'Signature';
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
- $skinlang['usersdetails']['Photo'] = 'Photo';

 * users.edit.tpl

- $skinlang['usersedit']['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Memberof'] = 'Member of';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Language'] = 'Language';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Signature'] = 'Signature';
- $skinlang['usersedit']['Photo'] = 'Photo';
* $skinlang['usersedit']['Hidetheemail'] = 'Always hide the E-mail';
* $skinlang['usersedit']['PMnotifyhint'] = '(Notify by E-mail when there\'s a new private message)';

 * users.profile.tpl

- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Groupsmembership'] = 'Groups membership';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Registeredsince'] = 'Registered since';
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['Emailnotes'] = 'E-mail transition process (If E-mail transition is available): <ol>
											<li>You can\'t use current E-mail.</li>
											<li>You have to enter your current password because of the security precautions.</li>
											<li>You are gonna have to re-activate by E-mail to prove the E-mail is valid.</li>
											<li>Till you use the validation link, your account will be suspended.</li>
											<li>After clicking the link, your E-mail account will be active immediately.</li>
											<li>Be careful typing your E-mail, you won\'t have chance to recover it later.</li>
											<li>If, even though after precautions, you type wrong, please contact administrator.</li>
											</ol>All above is valid if the E-mail validation is on, otherwise, your E-mail will change immediately after process.'; // N-0.1.0
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['Hidetheemail'] = 'Always hide the E-mail';
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['PMnotifyhint'] = '(Notify by E-mail when there\'s a new private message)';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Language'] = 'Language';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Photo'] = 'Photo';
- $skinlang['usersprofile']['Signature'] = 'Signature';

 * users.register.tpl

* $skinlang['usersregister']['Validemail'] = 'Valid E-mail';
* $skinlang['usersregister']['Validemailhint'] = 'A valid E-mail is required to complete the registration process !';
* $skinlang['usersregister']['Confirmpassword'] = 'Confirm password';
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
Отредактировано: Kort (05.05.2009 14:59, 15 лет назад)
#2 01.05.2009 17:15
For which version are these changes?

... can we help you ...
#3 01.05.2009 17:28
They are in the trunk so next available release.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#4 02.05.2009 02:55
So it is for 0.0.5?
Because before I used them for translations and they have changes that will be implement in 0.1.0.
... can we help you ...
#5 05.05.2009 15:09
REV. 711:

Added: 9 strings in main.lang.php
Removed: 12 strings from sed-light.en.lang.php
Modified: 37 strings in admin.lang.php, main.lang.php, message.lang.php and sed-light.en.lang.php

Affected files:

Detailed Info:
* $L['cfg_adminemail']
* $L['cfg_th_y']
* $L['cfg_pm_allownotifications']
* $L['cfg_regnoactivation']
* $L['cfg_useremailchange']
* $L['adm_polls_forumpolls']
* $L['adm_polls_indexpolls']
* $L['adm_emailmask']
* $L['adm_help_banlist']
* $L['adm_time1']
* $L['adm_time2']
* $L['adm_time3']
* $L['adm_time4']
* $L['adm_confirm']

+ $L['Avatars'] = 'Avatars';
* $L['Email']
* $L['Emailmask']
+ $L['Languages'] = 'Languages';
+ $L['Photos'] = 'Photos';
+ $L['Recipient'] = 'Recipient';
+ $L['Recipients'] = 'Recipients';
+ $L['Sender'] = 'Sender';
+ $L['Senders'] = 'Senders';
+ $L['Signatures'] = 'Signatures';
+ $L['Subject'] = 'Subject';
* $L['bbcodes_email']
* $L['bbcodes_ex_email']
* $L['bbcodes_emailp']
* $L['bbcodes_ex_emailp']
* $L['aut_emailalreadyindb']
* $L['aut_emailbanned']
* $L['aut_emailtooshort']
* $L['aut_mailnoticetitle']
* $L['aut_regrequest']
* $L['aut_regreqnotice']
* $L['aut_emailchange']
* $L['pm_notify']
* $L['useed_email']

* $L['msg118_body']

* $skinlang['pageedit']['Filesize']
- $skinlang['pmsend']['Sendmessageto'] = 'Send the message to';
- $skinlang['pmsend']['Subject'] = 'Subject';
- $skinlang['pm']['Sender'] = 'Sender';
- $skinlang['pm']['Subject'] = 'Subject (click to read)';
- $skinlang['pm']['Recipient'] = 'Recipient';
- $skinlang['pm']['Subject'] = 'Subject';
- $skinlang['pm']['Sender'] = 'Sender';
- $skinlang['pm']['Recipient'] = 'Recipient';
* $skinlang['usersedit']['Hidetheemail']
* $skinlang['usersedit']['PMnotifyhint']
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['Emailnotes']
* $skinlang['usersprofile']['PMnotifyhint']
* $skinlang['usersregister']['Validemail']
* $skinlang['usersregister']['Validemailhint']
- $L['pagenav_first'] = '&lt;&lt;';// N-0.0.2
- $L['pagenav_prev'] = '&lt;';// N-0.0.2
- $L['pagenav_next'] = '&gt;';// N-0.0.2
- $L['pagenav_last'] = '&gt;&gt;';// N-0.0.2

REV. 716:
- $L['Journal'] = 'Weblog';
- $L['Journalpage'] = 'Weblog page';
- $L['Journals'] = 'Weblogs';
+ $L['Blog'] = 'Blog';
+ $L['Blogs'] = 'Blogs';
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
Отредактировано: Kort (06.05.2009 16:23, 15 лет назад)
#6 06.05.2009 19:15
# Lombi : They are in the trunk so next available release.

In the post from Trustmaster about next release.
Trunk is not next release (0.0.5) but the files for 0.1.0.

For language files for 0.0.5. Where can we find them? For me it is not clear anymore.
Just before 0.0.4 I used the lang-files from trunk for the translation, and after the release of 0.0.4 they didn't match with the files included in the release.

For 0.0.5 which files do we need to translate? Or verify?
... can we help you ...
#7 06.05.2009 22:15
Dear Pieter,
Trunk localization which I work on now is likely to be part of some Cotonti official release -- 0.1.0, hopefully 0.0.5. The main restrictions for that was that since the changes are many, they would require testing and user feedback. As of today there hasn't been any bug/misprint/inconsistency report (although I assume that developers/team/contributors would notice and report this immediately). So this gives me an indication that what I've done will be part of the nearest (next?) release.
Now, for the changes that I've made: it's all about optimization with no drastic changes. First off, I removed all (almost all?) duplicates from plugins and skin localization files. You might have noticed that by the filesize. Main.lang.php has gotten somewhat bigger, while sed-light.en.lang.php is now almost twice as small. Same with admin and plugin lang-files. Obviously, this required modification of tpl-files, so as long as you keep track of the changes you made in these for your site-specific needs, you won't have any troubles with this.
As regards trunk -> 0.0.4 compatibility:
1. Search plugin localizations are not compatible due to removal of duplicates from lang-files
2. Tags plugin localizations are not compatible due to removal of duplicates from lang-files
3. AdminQV localizations are compatible if you use trunk version of adminqv.tpl
4. admin.lang.php and main.lang.php are compatible with few minor problems
5. message.lang.php are not compatible due to core changes
6. sed-light.en.lang.php are compatible if you use trunk version of the skin
I hope this clarifies situation abit. I assume that once trunk localization becomes part of the official package, translation coordination would become easier. This is all I can say until we have a word from the team leaders.

REV. 724:

Added: 1 string in sed-light.en.lang.php

Affected files:

+ $skinlang['forumstopics']['Newpoll'] = 'New poll';

REV. 735:
+ $L['Ontop'] = 'Top';
Affected files:
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
Отредактировано: Kort (05.06.2009 16:34, 15 лет назад)
#8 03.12.2009 18:48
To sum it up and start my work, what should I localize into Italian as for the latest Siena?
May we translators have the Renaissance language files just to be ahead of time?
#9 04.12.2009 02:26
There won't be any major changes in Renaissance localisation. Use 0.6.5 as a model.
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти