Форумы / Cotonti / Support / redirect, who's online, etc..

#1 26.03.2009 17:49
I have a few probs with my site:

1. After logging in on my site it displays the redirect message. but it doesn't redirect at all. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

2. when you click to see the full who's online page, nothing appears, only the title.
The same problem occurs on my localhost. both are fresh installs of 0.0.3 version of cotonti.

thanks in advance for the help
#2 26.03.2009 18:00
1.) You dont have all the tags in your header.tpl

2.) could be a lot of things, so no idea there.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#3 26.03.2009 18:05
oke, so sed skins won't work that good in cotonti? hmm.. damn.. now i have to rebuilt the sucker.. :(

For now, which tag must I add to get it to work? just looked at the sed light header, but can't see what is missing and causing the redirect not to work..
#4 26.03.2009 18:07
Actualy you're only missing one tag really, just copy everything from the head to your own skin and you should be fine.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#5 26.03.2009 19:17
SWEET!!!1!11!! you've just saved me a couple of days work..

if you were pretty and female, I would be kissing you right now :p