Форумы / Cotonti / Extensions / Ajax login plugin

#1 19.01.2009 21:41
I was home and I thought doing something community would be nice.

Before all, please be aware this and all of my side works (eg. ajax login, ajax polls) are experimental. I create them in a very short amount of time and what I actually expect is other developers and contributors to improve them.

My previous AJAX plugin, which was indexpolls, deleted, I didn't mean this by "improve" :)

What you are going to see in this plugin is that, this is a 30 min work and it is actually made for show, just to see if this plugin suits for Cotonti/Seditio. (no language support, messy code..)

Whatever, there is a little tag you need to add to header.tpl file in your skin:


right before:
	                 <!-- BEGIN: GUEST -->
                    <div class="userBarR"><a href="users.php?m=auth">{PHP.skinlang.header.Login}</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="users.php?m=register">{PHP.skinlang.header.Register}</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="plug.php?e=passrecover">{PHP.skinlang.header.Lostyourpassword}</a></div>
	                <!-- END: GUEST -->

Then install the plugin, thats all..
#2 20.01.2009 00:23
My previous AJAX plugin, which was indexpolls, deleted, I didn't mean this by "improve" :)
dont worry!!! all will be) and with your code)
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