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#16 24.03.2010 14:16
So you think if the user have posted 10 his latest posts in the same topic, we should display links to all of these posts in his profile?
May the Source be with you!
#17 24.03.2010 17:14
The topic can be big and messages can be on different pages.
Or make it optional and turn it on/off on plug-in options page.
Есть миры, не здесь, там, где небеса горят, и моря засыпают, и реки дремлют; люди сделаны из дыма, а города – из песен. Где-то опасность, где-то несправедливость, даже где-то остыл чай. Идем Эйс, у нас много работы!...
...Sorry for my english...
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#18 26.03.2010 17:07
# Alex300 : Here working Bug Fix:

Find the SQL near line 34 in userlatestposts.php and replace it with:
$totalitems = sed_sql_result(sed_sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_forum_posts WHERE fp_posterid=".$urr['user_id']), 0, 0);

Find the SQL near line 51 in userlatestposts.php and replace it with:
$sqluserlatestposts = sed_sql_query("SELECT p.fp_id, p.fp_updated, t.ft_title, t.ft_id, s.fs_id, s.fs_title, s.fs_category
		 FROM $db_forum_posts p, $db_forum_topics t, $db_forum_sections s
		 WHERE fp_posterid='".$urr['user_id']."'
		 AND p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id
		 AND p.fp_sectionid=s.fs_id
		 GROUP BY t.ft_id
		 ORDER BY fp_updated DESC
		 LIMIT $df, ".$cfg['plugin']['userlatestposts']['countonpage']);

The same query is used in userlatestposts.ajax.php. Change it too.

Enjoy :)

Thanks a lot for your help, but this too does not fix it. Pressing the "last page" button of the pagination still shows "none" instead.

Added 38 days later:

Any updates on this? it does not really matter wether the person has 100000 posts or just 20, navigating to the last few pages of his posts (using this plugin) will result in no posts being displayed at all.
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Отредактировано: foxhound (04.05.2010 15:41, 14 лет назад)
