Форумы / Cotonti / General / Differences between Siena and Genoa

#1 08.06.2012 09:35

So I downloaded 0.6.23 like 2 weeks ago and worked on converting my template into a skin and neccessary tpl files and all that jazz.

Then yesterday I ended up downloading 0.9.10 (without realizing it, was too tired from coding all day) and realized the structure is differnet. I am so use to seditio that Genoa didnt change anything for me and I was able to skin my tempalte. But, I see siena and the structure is completely different. I looked at the themes folder and its SO MUCH CLEANER. But at the same time, now there's modules and plugins.

My question is, what should I be using? Genoa or Siena. Also is there a guide on how to create a theme for Siena? The structure is so different I dont know what tpl's to edit. Meaning, for markitup specifically, in Genoa, I had to edit the file in "plugins/markitup/etc" instead of /skins/skinname/plugins/markitup/etc".

I would like any editable template files (tpls) be in the skin folder if possible. If it already has been done with Siena, thank god. I dislike the "i need to change this but its not in the skin folder so now I had to edit it somewhere else instead of just edit it in my skin folder."

Anyway, im confused now. What's better to use and why does Genoa exist if Siena is the future?



#2 08.06.2012 10:54

Have a look at chapter 11 in Structure of Files and Directories in Siena. It explains how you can override any template in your theme.

Genoa still exists because some existing sites just don't need any major upgrades or changes so they won't migrate to Siena.

May the Source be with you!
#3 08.06.2012 12:53

The thing about template files in Siena is that they can be in multiple locations. This has the advantage that you can use custom tpl files for extensions (modules or plugins), without overwriting the originals. This makes it possible to easily update an extension's files without the risk of losing your custom templates. Also it allows theme designers to include custom tpls for certain extensions within the theme itself, rather than include seperate tpls which must be copied to extension folders.

#4 09.06.2012 05:50
#34631 GHengeveld:

The thing about template files in Siena is that they can be in multiple locations. This has the advantage that you can use custom tpl files for extensions (modules or plugins), without overwriting the originals. This makes it possible to easily update an extension's files without the risk of losing your custom templates. Also it allows theme designers to include custom tpls for certain extensions within the theme itself, rather than include seperate tpls which must be copied to extension folders.

Thats what I wanted was the custom tpl files in my own theme folder so I don't have to go edit defaults. Thank you very much. 


Trustmaster: thank you very much for that. You guys have very good documention now that ive discovered it and thank you. I'll be taking full advantage of Siena and will work on fully getting my normal template over to Siena. The extra work is worth it. The genoa site i have up can be temporary. 


Thanks guys.