Форумы / Cotonti / Support / PFS Problem


Not uploading most files

#16 12.02.2009 17:34
Try the file here

Its the same thing, but maybe something was done wrong in your file. Because i was able to sucessfully upload your file here.
#17 14.02.2009 09:39
# Kilandor : Try the file here

Its the same thing, but maybe something was done wrong in your file. Because i was able to sucessfully upload your file here.
I uploaded the file and still no go
I guess I will work on a plugin to upload files instead of using the PFS
My Cotonti powered site - [url=http://www.gnextop.patriotfan.co.cc]GnextopCenter[/url]
Отредактировано: patriotfan (14.02.2009 10:37, 15 лет назад)
#18 14.02.2009 10:33
patriotfan, please help me to understand the cause of errors

what browser are you using?
what version of browser?

please do some more experiments
1) try to upload with PFS this small zip with the same signature
and then report results
2) extract script test.php from this zip, copy it to your site, open it with browser like this
and then report results too
#19 14.02.2009 10:38
I'm using FireFox 3 and I tried upload a .pdf filee, but I get the same error. The only thing that seems to work is images

I tried uploading the test zip, but same result
My Cotonti powered site - [url=http://www.gnextop.patriotfan.co.cc]GnextopCenter[/url]
#20 14.02.2009 11:08
thank you

this is something strange


patriotfan, this error may be due to your current settings
PFS max size for a single file: 2147483647
Max size of all PFS files together: 2147483647

please go to
Administration panel / Users

and select your group, and reduce this settings
PFS max size for a single file: 10000
Max size of all PFS files together: 500000

and try to upload test_57.zip
#21 14.02.2009 12:45
# dervan : thank you

this is something strange


patriotfan, this error may be due to your current settings
PFS max size for a single file: 2147483647
Max size of all PFS files together: 2147483647

please go to
Administration panel / Users

and select your group, and reduce this settings
PFS max size for a single file: 10000
Max size of all PFS files together: 500000

and try to upload test_57.zip
Thanks, it works now
My Cotonti powered site - [url=http://www.gnextop.patriotfan.co.cc]GnextopCenter[/url]
#22 14.02.2009 19:27

this bug is fixed
