How should the main (default) Cotonti theme be built?

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15 Дата 19.12.2011 10:28

Форумы / Cotonti / Development / Опрос: Default theme requirements

What do you want in the main Cotonti theme?

#32268 25.12.2011 22:58

As my own - I use CSS framework for all my skins. It's a "blueprintcss". It's simple and lightweight enought and still very usefull as CSS framework. It has module structure and you can select only that you need.
On practice it can be used (loaded) with already completed skins like "Nemesis" (not specially designed for it) with no (or light) modification.

For default skin as it be a "new face" of Cotonti and will provide comunication with new users of CMS it must be:

  • appeal enought to attract new users to CMS (not an oldschool design)
  • not using state of the art or advanced technology. It may use some HTML5 tags or CSS3 but it must be valid for using it on rare or old style systems (ex. IE>=7,Opera etc.). "OldStyle" user can must have working skin not ugly mess of unsupported features.
  • not complicated and multi functional. Better it would be a simple blog style but robust and usefull rather heavy multifunctional combine. (see Wordpress)
  • support all modules and plugins in a base package

Default skin may conform Cotonti new users requirements. In two words - attract and satisfy.

Beside it, Coronti need some kind a "template skin" for beginner developers. So they can easily upgrade it for their needs. It may consits no grafic files at all, the main target is to give developers flexible blocks structure.

Добавлено 1 месяц спустя:

In addition to «blueprintcss» I write above, look at:

- «Yaml» CSS framework version 4.

- «Bootstrap» CSS framework version 2.

Both of it has a great option of «Responsive design» (components are scaled according to a range of resolutions and devices to provide a consistent experience, no matter what).
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Отредактировано: Macik (07.02.2012 15:25, 12 лет назад)