Twitti v2.0 / Twitter Connect

Connect and sign in to Cotonti with your Twitter account

This is version 2.0 of Twitti. It uses OAuth to connect your Twitter account with your Cotonti account.

- Connect Twitter account with Cotonti account
- Easily register using Twitter account, getting profile data from Twitter
- Sign in to Cotonti with your Twitter account in one click

Note that it doesn't support the Twitti v1.0 features yet. Installing both is useless since Twitti v1.0 doesn't use OAuth so it's not supported by Twitter anymore. For Twitti v1.0 features you can also use Twitter Widgets.

Application flow:
If you first use the 'Sign in with Twitter' button you will be sent to the registration page. The username will be pre-filled with the Twitter screen name. When you're done registering your profile will also contain location, signature (latest tweet) and occupation (Twitter bio) coming from your Twitter account. Your new Cotonti account will automatically be connected to the Twitter account you registered with.

Existing Cotonti users first have to login the regular way. To connect your Cotonti account with a Twitter account, go to your Cotonti profile page and click the Connect button. The next time you can use the 'Sign in with Twitter' button to login to Cotonti.

- Upload files to your plugins dir
- Install plugin in the adminpanel
- Create a Twitter Application with read access
- Configure the plugin with the Application details provided by Twitter
- Update your skin to add tags as listed with the plugin details in the adminpanel

There is a bug in Genoa that you need to fix in order to use the plugin. See changeset 1294.
You can fix it yourself or just download and replace the entire file here).

Preview here
Support, updates and discussion here


If you need help registering an app with Twitter, here's some explanation.

Application name
Can be anything, I suggest using your website name.

Something like "Twitter app for {website name}" will do.

Application website
Absolute URL of your Cotonti website.

Probably the website name or your business name.

Application type
Leave it set to 'browser'.

Callback URL
It's overriden by Twitti, so just put your Cotonti website URL here.

Access type
Twitti doesn't need write access (yet), but for feature compatibility you can select 'Read & Write'. If you don't want to ask this from your users you can choose 'Read-only'.

Application icon
Twitti doesn't come with an icon, so you can upload almost anything you want here. Keep in mind that this icon is shown to your users when they first connect to the application.

When you're done creating the application, you're taken to an overview page. Here you will find all sorts of information, including the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. These need to be entered in the configuration of Twitti.

1. 3axap  12.09.2010 19:11
Nice, but in Russia more popular -
How make this? (login from
2. Areal  15.09.2010 01:33
a have 151 mistake after returning from twitter
Добавление комментариев доступно только зарегистрированным пользователям