Sed-Dark for Cotonti >= 0.0.6

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The Sed-Dark skin from Xiode adapted for Cotonti.

Version for Cotonti < 0.0.6
Version for Cotonti >= 0.0.6

1. rayblo  2009-04-21 04:41
nice work m8 keep on going!
2. Trustmaster  2009-04-21 23:00
Thanks for keeping this skin up2date!
3. Blikes  2009-04-22 09:57
4. biro  2009-04-24 04:38
i already had ot on mysite before this release

i had to make some css and php coding
5. pieter  2009-04-26 20:43
I just used the sed-light with the CSS of sed-dark + the extra CSS in sed-light(like ratings)
So no PHP coding needed.

And for the markitup I added CSS to css-file to change the background color.
6. pieter  2009-07-05 19:27
A version where the cotonti-logo is separate from the background.
Download here
Just change banner.jpg with your logo and done.
It was made for use with rotate-banner-plugin. More info
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