Forums / Cotonti / Documentation / Cotonti documentation plan


Plans for improving the Cotonti documentation

#16 2012-06-04 01:20

seeker. yes, think of searching more coherent example, search for "msn messenger" see results example, search for "msn messenger 7837482130" absence of any results. ¿integrated spider?

cotonti minimize and focus on content, excellent idea. Each content titles and descriptions own goals, and avoid duplicate.

#17 2012-06-27 11:20

Documentation section now has interactive Table of Contents, so it is easier to browse.

May the Source be with you!
#18 2012-06-27 14:35

Indeed a lot easier to browse now, nice one!

#19 2012-06-28 08:54


#20 2012-06-30 13:34
#34809 Trustmaster:

Documentation section now has interactive Table of Contents, so it is easier to browse.

But why without i18n ?

Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#21 2012-06-30 15:56

Lets focus on getting proper documentation in English first, then we can worry about supporting i18n.

#22 2012-06-30 16:45

I just forgot about it :) I'll add i18n support to TOC later.

May the Source be with you!
#23 2013-01-27 19:30

Any news on this? Looks like it kinda fell by the wayside, and the plans are great if they could get accomplished. Don't know how much help I could be since I'm kinda a newb to the system. But it would be great to see if there might be some work on this again since I know that can ruin someone's decision to go with a system if their docs are not complete to some extent.

#24 2013-01-28 09:54

The plan has not been abandoned, but I personally have a problem of prioritizing with it. I can write docs from times to times but there are so many topics to cover that it's hard to focus on something.

If people pointed to me 3-5 topics that they want most of all it would help to get them covered sooner.

There is also a temporary pause on User and Administrator docs because we plan changing both default user and admin themes in the package soon, so the screenshots would be out of date.

May the Source be with you!
#25 2013-01-28 11:59

Well I only mentioned something because it seemed like the topic hadn't really been updated in so long. As well I think there needs to just be more clarification theme building specifically the different tags that can be used and everything without having to debug a page just to find it. As well 3.5.1 sounds like a good one to get done as well...Coming from wp there more or less needs to be something like their "codex" because that helped me a lot when I ran into trouble trying to write a theme(though I don't think I'll be going back to wp just because of some of the stuff I saw that went on behind the scenes with writing that software). But some kind of codex even if it just contains the essentials at the moment would be great ;)

#26 2013-01-28 12:42

So, it's the "Global variable reference" you vote for. Really nice choice and shouldn't be too hard to describe if considering only the essentials.

What would the "codex" consist of?

May the Source be with you!
#27 2013-01-28 13:29

Well just some of the stuff that would be building blocks for making a theme using the variables and maybe some other useful ones for going a step further. That would be nice at least for now...
