Forums / Cotonti / Development / Question about root php

#1 2010-02-18 03:50
Can anybody tell me where $m stands for ?

It always goes to the default anyway..


Found it, it comes from the GET

$m = sed_import('m','G','ALP',24);
$n = sed_import('n','G','ALP',24);
$a = sed_import('a','G','ALP',24);
$b = sed_import('b','G','ALP',24);

BUT what meaning does m,n,a,b has... (What is usually done with these vars) ??
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==

Dit bericht is bewerkt door ez (2010-02-18 03:56, 14 jaren ago)
#2 2010-02-18 04:09
Well, I suppose
  • $m stands for mode or maybe module. It is used by those switches to detect which mode of the script to use.
  • $n is like $m, but is more generic. In forums it is used to specify special paging modes (or numbers): n=last means go to the last page available.
  • $a means action. For example 'update', 'send', 'add', etc.
  • $b is the next latter after $a, isn't it? So it is similar, but more generic.
May the Source be with you!
#3 2010-02-18 04:40
Ok, so there is no real real meaning..., but they are vars wich i can use for almost anything.. :)
It is read default by common.php from the GET.. (nice, so I can use those)

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#4 2010-02-18 04:55
Be careful with $m and $a, they are used in many scripts and plugins, so make sure there are no conflicts if you use them.
May the Source be with you!