Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / CKEditor Issues

Editor not appearing on page edit or page add

#1 2010-09-22 08:16

It's been a while since I've worked with Cotonti, but I'm using it on a new website project.

I've installed CKEditor as the text editor on the website, and the editor works fine on my localhost server (on my computer). As soon as I try to move everything to my public server, via FTP, the editor stops working. All I get is a regular text box, so CKEditor. The two websites them selves are identical, so it must be my server?

Any ideas of what could be causing this? All parts of the plugin are running, all tags are installed. I've tried deleting and re-uploading the plugin, uninstalling it and reinstalling it, but nothing seems to work.

Thanks a lot

#2 2010-09-22 08:40
Did you try to refresh the page a few times? I had similar issues with TinyMCE.
Otherwise check to see if the javascript is included correctly (script url). That could also relate to your site base url, but if that's not set correctly your CSS shouldn't load either.
#3 2011-07-11 15:46

I'm replying to an older post here, but i'm having the exact same problem with Siena..

As the topic-starter already described, i've transferred my Cotonti site from my localhost (where it works fine with CKEditor) to a public server.
Everything works fine including jQuery sliders, menu's etc, except for the CKEditor that just shows up as a blank text area field..

Any idea's?

Update: Did about 5 clean installs with freshly downloaded Cotonti package, Markitup works but CKEditor is not even showing up..

Dit bericht is bewerkt door Twiebie (2011-07-12 02:49, 12 jaren ago)
#4 2011-07-12 04:25
I had this problem earlier on my localhost, and after further investigation I noticed the javascript was not loading properly (at all actually) through the tag {HEADER_HEAD}. To fix it I had to manually add it to my header.tpl.

Insert this before the tag {HEADER_HEAD}

<script src="plugins/ckeditor/lib/ckeditor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

and this code following {HEADER_HEAD}

<script src="plugins/ckeditor/lib/adapters/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="plugins/ckeditor/presets/ckeditor.default.set.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

now.. my only problem is it is showing the html on the pages rather than parsing it and displaying correctly.

Added 4 minutes later:

thats actually a simple fix too lol under page configurations in the administration panel their is a markup parser option.. just set it to html.

Added 2 minutes later:

Also.. if you have repeat lines of the jquery.min.js script it seems to break it. (by default cotonti declares it through {HEADER_HEAD})
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#5 2011-07-12 07:35

Since 0.9.3 editor scripts have been moved from {HEADER_HEAD} to {FOOTER_RC}. You need to add that tag to your footer.tpl.

May the Source be with you!
#6 2011-08-08 00:25
#30189 Trustmaster:

Since 0.9.3 editor scripts have been moved from {HEADER_HEAD} to {FOOTER_RC}. You need to add that tag to your footer.tpl.

Should it work with just the {FOOTER_RC} tag in the footer.tpl?

#7 2011-08-08 07:22

Yes, but don't forget to pick ckeditor in html plugin settings.

May the Source be with you!
#8 2011-08-08 08:06

I have done both, but I can't see any buttons when creating a page, adding comments, forum post, ...

I got the latest version from git.


Also when I try to translate a page, it is not showing the editor.

... can we help you ...

Dit bericht is bewerkt door pieter (2011-08-08 08:13, 12 jaren ago)
#9 2011-08-08 09:08

For me none of the above solutions work.

Dyllon's solution breaks the jQuery on the website, and just including {FOOTER_RC} in the footer.tpl does nothing.
It works fine on a localhost, but as soon as I put it on a live host (regardless of which one) it fails.