Forums / Cotonti / Development / Using Ajax and Jquery (Question)

#1 2010-02-28 05:27
I am making an plugin were Ajax and Jquery are needed...
BUT Cotonti has settings like :
  • Activate Jquery
  • Turn Ajax off..

I think any website needs nice JS tricks (JQuery magic)
Ajax is also a thing off web20,RIA.

But if this is set off in the config, will my plugin still work ??
(If not, what should I do.. go back to old school programming ??)
Another thing... Are there still sites out there that doesn't use these techniques ??
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#2 2010-02-28 21:07
Yes, it's a pain in ass for us coders, but many users and authorities claim that a "pure" site should be all accessible without JS as well.

In Cotonti's core we must provide the same functions to work in all the available modes:
  • without JavaScript at all (no javascript works in browser even if it is present)
  • with JavaScript but without jQuery and AJAX ($cfg['jquery'] == false && $cfg['turn_ajax'] == false)
  • with jQuery without AJAX ($cfg['jquery'] == true && $cfg['turn_ajax'] == false)
  • with jQuery and AJAX($cfg['jquery'] == true && $cfg['turn_ajax'] == true)
Currently we provide everything except for the 2nd mode, because we rely on jQuery in our JS coding.

As for non-core code, I usually decide it with a website owner. Usually we agree that JS is a must for a website visitor and jQuery is OK. So, if you make a plugin that relies on JS and jQuery, you can just tell it in plugin requirements. But if you make something that is going to be used by noscript users, then you'll have to provide "the olschool" way for them too.
May the Source be with you!
#3 2010-03-01 01:11
Thanx for the answer Trustmaster...

Personally, I think AJAX is a must for websites.. (You can do so much more if you can do Ajax)
And Jquery is a way (tools) to do that.

I can NOT believe that there are still ppl that want "pure" sites...
Do they think that AJAX and JQuery are bad/evil >:) .. ?
or they think there might be security issues with Ajax ??

Since my code is a plugin, I will set the requirements to Jquery And Ajax.
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==

Dit bericht is bewerkt door ez (2010-03-01 01:48, 14 jaren ago)