Forums / Cotonti / Skins / Disabled Polls in index.tpl

How to disable

#20957 2009-11-17 05:05
How can I disable the polls on the index with function block logic (XTemplate)

I can not find the right tag...


Added 20 minutes later:

I have found it...
In sed-light index.tpl change this....

Disable the poll... So also disable the output on the index page !!!
Guys This should be standard in EVERY SKIN !!!

	<!-- IF {PHP.cfg.disable_polls} != "1" -->
		<div class="rboxHD">{PHP.L.Polls}:</div>
		<div class="rboxBody">{PLUGIN_INDEXPOLLS}</div>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

Good to know for everybody :)

I LOVE THIS XTemplate stuff B)

Added 2 minutes later:


Forgot to ask..

We should make documentation about this for skinmakers.
We add a list off all the common elements from cotonti, so they can
easily disable/enable them :D

So... Does somebody has a list :P
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==

Dit bericht is bewerkt door ez (2009-11-17 05:28, 14 jaren ago)