Forums / Cotonti / Patches / Migration from Seditio 121/125 to Cotonti 0.0.2

#6078 2009-02-01 17:07
1. Unzip Cotonti 0.0.2 release in some testing folder.

2. Copy to this folder from Seditio folder:
/datas/ all folders but not files
/plugins/ necessary
/skins/ necessary

3. Updating database.

There is two way to convert database.

3.1.1 Use Seditio - Cotonti sql-updater. Unzip folder "updater" to Cotonti folder, set to folder rights 777, and launch updater/index.php .
3.1.2 Create in phpmyadmin database for future Cotonti database. Complete fields in updater and press Start.
All plugins will be deinstalled, all config values will be reset to default. Will set sed-light as default skin for admin.


Manual convert.
3.1.1 Create in phpmyadmin copy of your seditio database and and follow these steps with this copy.
3.1.2 Convert database to utf-8. Instructions: eng, rus with ssh, rus without ssh.
3.1.3 Execute sql-update: (one, for sed121 or sed125).
All plugins will be deinstalled, all config values will be reset to default. Will set sed-light as default skin for admin.
3.1.4 UPD install autoupdater from the previous step and execute "Postinstall correction".

4. Enter in admin area in your site and reinstall plugin Markitup.

5. Change config of site and install all necessary plugins.

6. Add in your skin new tags if necessary (see sed-light skin for details), Copy to your skin new tpl-files from sed-light skin.

7. Move Cotonti from testing folder to basic place instead Seditio.

Migration complete.

Dit bericht is bewerkt door medar (2009-02-13 19:29, 15 jaren ago)