Open Comments

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This plugin is a lot like the com4guests plugin by esclkm, but that wasn't working for me, so I wrote a new one.

Open Comments allows your guests to post comments on your pages, just like registered users. The only difference is that guest have to provide an email address, and optionally a website address. This is similar to Wordpress. For security, the plugin can use reCAPTCHA. It also has the option to send an email to the administrator when a new guest comment is posted.

- Upload the plugin files
- Go to admin panel and install Open Comments
- If you want to use CAPTCHA, to to reCAPTCHA and register a site. Then go to the Open Comments configuration area and copy your reCAPTCHA keys there.
- Look at the plugin page in the adminpanel for the tags you need to add to comments.tpl

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