Here we would like to thank people who have made an important contribution into Cotonti Project and tell a little about Cotonti Team members and the work that they have done and are doing for all of us.
And here is our Dream Team:
Jason 'Kilandor' Booth was the first person to start actual work on the Cotonti project. He's the main Administrator of, active coordinator and developer.
Vladimir 'Trustmaster' Sibirov is the driving force behind the Cotonti core development team. He's responsible for many performance and security improvements.
Gert 'Koradhil' Hengeveld is a freelance web application developer and has been involved with the community since LDU 501. Now he's the Cotonti community manager responsible for site reorganization and public relations.
Pavel 'EscLKM' Mikulik bursts with ideas and endeavors on code. He's the first to receive 'senior' developer status.
Dmitri 'Kort' Beliavski is coordinator for localisations and currently maintains Russian and English translations.
Pavel 'Dayver' Tkachenko develops plugins, contributes to the core and maintains the Ukrainian translation.
Outsourced contributors:
Some of them are listed above, but here are other translators too:
Former Team members:
People who did a good job in the past but have temporarily or permanently left their Team positions.
Domen 'Lombi' Lombergar has always been around to provide great support for Cotonti. Domen is a Cotonti Executive Producer who does a lot for public relations and development coordination.
Ozan 'OC' Ciga worked a lot on enhancements, did a valuable progress on forums part of engine, brings some Web 2.0 passion to our conservative minds and cares a lot about performance.
Michael 'Medar' Parfenov was an experienced programmer and active developer.
Vyacheslav 'Ratibor' Osintsev was the first person to find bugs and drawbacks and played an important role in quality assurance. He provided patches for the core and some wonderful plugins like WYSIWYG editor.
Brock 'B-Rizzy' Burkholder was a forum moderator, guardian of peace and order.
There are some people who have made a lot for LDU and Seditio which were the starting point for Cotonti:
Olivier 'Neuro' Chapuis. The creator of Land Down Under and Seditio. Without him it all would not have been possible. He started this game in 2001 and played the key role in development till 2008. And then he allowed us to make this project a fork. Thank you a lot for everything, Olivier!
TJ 'Xiode' Presley. Has been around for a long time with brilliant ideas, wonderful skins and plugins. Special thanks for the Sed-Light skin which is default in Cotonti 0.0.x.
Chris 'Tefra' T. Made very powerful plugins for Seditio, demonstrated a state of art in plugin and skin development accompanied with tens of code snippets and tutorials on his site. We hope he enjoys Cotonti one day too.
Spartan. Made important Seditio improvements.
More gratitudes and credits!
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