I'm glad to inform you that Cotonti Team has just moved the Development area of the project to GitHub, the next generation project hosting and social coding platform.
What benefits does it give to the Cotonti community? Here they are:
Git - a modern distributed version control system. Our repository is now 18 MB instead of over 300 MB with Subversion.
Watch the repository to get all the updates of issues and source code automatically to your e-mail.
A powerful Source browser which can easily switch between branches, tags (releases) and make comprehensive changesets just like Trac did and even more.
Task/issue management tool with modern Web 2.0 interface.
Automatic Download builder.
Create your own repositories for plugins, modules and themes to let the other people collaborate with you or report bugs.
Share the code and communicate with thousands of other geeks at GitHub!
What about the old good Trac and SVN? They will stay online in read-only mode for several months more to let the people grab necessary stuff from there if needed.
Another reason to move plugin/module development to separate Git repositories is that when the Cotonti Extension Center will be launched, it will use public Git information to provide automatic packaging, updates and extension listing.