Cotonti Skin Competition Is Over

Today we have received the last votes and opinions on the three skins which were selected for the final round of the competition.

It was a spectacular race because nobody really knew which skin would take over. Every single point from the jury was very significant.

However, now it is time to take a deep breath because here are the the winners and their prizes:
  • The Grand Prix goes to Stamatis 'Stam' Kritikos and his SymiSun* 03. It means that this skin will become the new default skin in Cotonti Siena 0.7.
  • The 1st prize and $170 goes to MeDBejoHok for his outstanding Veronese.
  • The 2nd prize and $100 is deserved by Dmitri Beliavski a.k.a. Kort for his high quality entry Cryo.
  • The rest 3 guys who took part in the 1st round will get $20 each for their effort and wish to help our community and CMS to develop.

See detailed results and comments on skins

SymiSun* 03 will soon replace Sed-Light in our repository trunk. We will work together to improve it even more and provide a super high class customizable layout by Siena release. All the other skins will soon appear in our Skin Download section and will be available for free use with Cotonti Genoa and later. The authors may continue improving them if they wish.

You probably wonder what happens to website and how it will look like. Well, for now we have decided to keep using Sed-Light by Xiode until the new era of Cotonti Siena. What happens then? Then will finally get its own exclusive layout. What layout? Let it be a secret... for a while.

It has taken whole two months since the very beginning of this competition and the pressure has been extremely high during the last 2 weeks. Now the competition is over and we realize all the mistakes we have made and all the things that we haven't done. But it is a good experience for all of us, it has brought our community to a new level. Everybody should realize the importance of this event. On one hand, an appealing layout is a must have for a modern web software and our CMS/F has missed it very much. On the other hand, we have combined our efforts to create something from nothing, something beautiful and in the meantime useful.

Here are a few statements we have received from some of the jury members and the winners a few hours after publishing the results:
Domen Lombergar:
I was pleasantly surprised by the number of extremely well crafted skins, created in such a short time. The three finalists are exceptional pieces that will boast their beauty on hundreds of websites for years to come.
Dmitry Beliavsky:
Cryo isn't my first skin, but it was for the first time that I competed with other skinmakers. Fair or unfair, the compo was fun to participate in. Hopefully, it's been beneficial for the whole community: from the developers to the end-users and helped making Cotonti better, at least designwise. Finally, I wish to thank my supporters: it's a good thing to know that someone likes and appreciates the work you do. Thanks again and cheers!
Stamatis Kritikos:
This contest was an excuse for me to produce a modern new template that I would release for free. I put much effort into this project and, even though it is not actually finished yet, I am very pleased with the outcome. A refreshing and intelligent skin that utilizes the potential of Cotonti's revised template engine. Thank you for supporting my work and for all constructive criticism that is always helping me improve.

I would like to thank the participants first of all: Koradhil, gamer24.7, SunChase, Kort, MeDBejoHok, Stam. They have invested a lot of their time and nerves into our common cause. Then I'd like to thank our Jury for spending hours evaluating the skins and filling in the blanks: Lombi, Azazello, Pieter, Sergeich, Rayblo, esclkm, musiconly, Dayver. Then thanks to Kilandor for his help coding stuff and good sense of reason. Thanks to everyone who voted in 1st and 2nd rounds, to everyone who watched this show from the very beginning.

And now... show must go on, mustn't it? 

1. Xerora  2009-10-13 01:43
All of the skins were pretty amazing :)

Congrats to all and glad to see a new skin!
2. Kingsley  2009-10-13 03:40
Gratz @ Stam
3. rayblo  2009-10-13 03:42
congratz stam
4. donP  2009-10-13 06:05
Stam you're the man! ;)
5. pieter  2009-10-13 16:54
When is the release of Cotonti Siena 0.7 planned?
6. Vioto  2009-10-13 17:40
7. esclkm  2009-10-13 20:10
деньги отдать - когда скины доделают! за полуфабрикаты.. нет)))
стэм молодец! и скин надо упростить!
и никаких левых излищних ява скриптов!
со стороны простого пользователя проще идти от простого к сложному, нежели от сложного через простое к сложному.
и убрать из скина все +плагины.
8. Azazello  2009-10-14 23:25
Согласен с esclkm, победители должны довести свои скины хотя бы до уровня шаблона который сейчас стоит по умолчанию.
9. root  2009-10-15 18:06
А скины участники, будут выложены в паблик? :D
10. Sergeich  2009-10-15 20:13
А они не в паблике разве?
11. vd77  2009-10-19 18:33
SymiSun* 03 - отличный скин! Правда сделан в стиле WordPress...
12. Ross  2009-10-23 01:24
You all made a great work. Congratulations!
13. esclkm  2009-10-24 00:34
эх время идет а скинов не видно
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