New site layout and 0.6.14 update

Surprise! You might not expect it, but we have changed layout of this site. And it is not just layout, we have converted this entire site to the latest beta of Cotonti Siena, reorganized Downloads a bit and there are more changes planned. During the next several days we will be fixing bugs which appear here and there after the site upgrade, tweaking things and converting some plugins to Siena. Then we are going to reorganize the Documentation section and enable content internationalization there. And the brand new core/extension repository will be deployed within next few months.

This is also a good chance for us to fix the last bugs before 0.9.0 final release which is scheduled on 15th. Right now you can update your Genoa site to 0.6.14 or try an hourly beta build of Siena.

1. pieter  2011-03-14 17:29

It is looking nice, but needs some finetuning.

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