Genesis 0.0.4 and New Logo

Another milestone in stability has been reached and Genesis 0.0.4 is now available for download. The other wonderful update is a new official Cotonti logo brought to you by Stamatis Kritikos:

What's new in 0.0.4
  • Fixed minor bugs, see Trac report.
  • New official Cotonti logo.
  • Secure e-mail change method.

Download page

1. KillerSneak  2009-04-06 15:55
Great, will update asap.
2. sliux  2009-04-11 02:05
Nice logo, but.. passive again :( Following usability recommendations it must be click able and linked to home page!
3. Trustmaster  2009-04-20 03:20
It sed-light's fault: the logo is set as background.
4. tensh  2009-04-21 17:57
This logo has an "Unstable" feeling... I don't like it that much. It makes me think that Cotonti is unstable, which is not true.

The old logo used on main site (not in trac, but here) was great and I don't know why you changed it... it was clean and elegant in its simplicity.
5. Trustmaster  2009-04-21 21:27
There's also another version with "on" on the same line as other latters if it makes you feel more stable:
6. tensh  2009-04-30 19:50
Yep, looks better :)
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