Cotonti Siena released

Whats new:

  • СoTemplate. Support for multiple function arguments. Now you can use other tags as function arguments. You can write like this:
    {PHP|cot_url('page', 'c=news')|var_dump({PHP.L.Home}, $this, {PHP.cfg.mainurl}, {PHP|cot_url('page', 'c=news ')}, {HEADER_TITLE})}
    The $this support is left in place. You can still use function call chains.
  • СoTemplate. Strict comparison operators: === and !==
  • Fixed a bug where data from the database cache might not be loaded automatically.
  • Static cache improvements.
  • You can now use comments in Url editor's *.dat files
  • Forums API. A new function cot_forums_sqlExcludePrivateTopics() that generates an SQL condition to exclude private topics from the selection, based on the the current user's rights. You can use it in your extensions.
  • The page views counter now works even when the static page cache is enabled.
  • Captcha and posting comments by guests now work when static page cache is enabled.
  • Search. The default sorting is by date descending.
  • Fixed/added meta tags title, description and canonical url in some extensions
  • Function cot_generatePaginationTags() for uniform generation of pagination tags in extensions.
  • Extrafields. Field name validation.
  • CKEditor has been updated to version 4.22.1. In future releases, it will be replaced with version 5.
  • Refactoring of tags in templates has begun. Making tags more understandable and convenient. The old tags are kept for backward compatibility, but will be removed in the future. We recommend updating your themes.
  • The Composer folder has been moved to lib/vendor
  • 1st part of Tags plugin improvements
  • Improvements to the Recent items plugin
  • Other minor improvements
  • Fix for various errors found during operation.

Read more on the release page.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the work on this release, programming and testing


For more detailed info see:

1. Kabak  2024-03-21 05:59

На мобильник иконка rss с главной страницы этого сайта выводит  ерунду

2. Alex300  2024-03-28 10:55

Rss лента в формате XML

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