3 years on air!

Our project has been publicly available for 3 years by now! It's hard to believe but time passes so fast. I like measuring the progress by statistics, so here are some interesting facts about what we have achieved during these 3 years:

  • 36 releases! it is exactly 1 release per month on the average;
  • 20 people have made 4658 commits in our repository, of which 2284 are in the main branch;
  • 804 tasks completed;
  • 27242 downloads of just the core packages;
  • 165 plugins added to the downloads section;
  • main branch code base has grown from 30k lines to 63k lines of code.

Quite impressive, isn't it? And how about the birthday present? Here it is! It's called "Siena 0.9.7" and it contains over 30 bugfixes and over 10 enhancements among which there are:

  • Improved versioning and dependency checks in Administration / Extensions
  • Improved output and error pages for fatal errors, read more... and more
  • CKEditor 3.6.2
  • HTMLPurifier 4.4.0
  • PFS links for comments
  • SEO: correct canonical URLs and no duplicate URLs in forums
  • Hook for plugins and third-party presets in URLEditor
  • Meta keywords for page lists
  • Page start date updated upon publications

Now it's time to celebrate!

1. Fox  2012-02-01 10:20

Молодцы! Всем разаботчикам спасибо! Так держать дальше!!!

2. GHengeveld  2012-02-01 10:34

You're welcome Fox :)

I think special thanks must go to Trustmaster. He has by far contributed the most to this project. He deserves the credit.

3. Hantr  2012-02-01 10:54

Низкий поклон, темпы развития просто потрясающие..:)

4. Twiebie  2012-02-01 16:32

Thanks alot for another Siena release with lots of improvements, guys!

5. elfrenazo  2012-02-01 17:12

cotonti been using since 2010, sometimes consider changing cms but since the departure of sienna, I feel lucky to have him :)

6. foxhound  2012-02-01 19:52

Congrats with the succesfull years and I hope there will be many more. I will be part of it as a happy user and maybe something more in the future!

Thanks for all the hard work to everyone involved!!

7. esclkm  2012-02-03 04:29
это хорошо.
8. Lombi  2012-02-04 09:06


9. Yusupov  2012-02-11 13:07

Спасибо разработчикам за реально крутой движок! Благодарность отправил в копилку ;-)

10. Chiaroscuro  2012-02-13 18:07

Урааа, поздравляю всех!

11. Chiaroscuro  2012-02-13 22:54

HTML Purifier в архиве 4.2.0

12. Trustmaster  2012-02-18 08:15

HTML Purifier version 4.4.0. I just didn't update it in plugin setup file I think.

13. fade2k  2012-03-31 12:38

I can't believe its been that long already. That aside, thats a lot of releases!

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