German (Genoa)

Pakage contains german translations for core, standard plugins and skins, as well as some extra plugins for my personal needs or upon requesst.
Latest Update: 2011-05-16 for 0.6.17
Please also consider to follow @schulle4u on or for updates to this pakage.

1. schulle4u  2010-07-15 23:37
updated to 0.6.9. Extract and translate line 283 from /system/lang/en/admin.lang.php for manual change.
2. schulle4u  2010-07-18 20:50
Added translations for events, calendar and usermap upon request. See extra-plugins folder.
3. schulle4u  2010-07-21 01:57
Added print/pdf/e-Mail plugin translation to extra-plugins.
4. schulle4u  2010-11-01 23:08
Updated to Genoa 0.6.11 (/system/lang/de/admin.lang.php), added german smiley tips, changed contact information in readme.
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