Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Release] NameChange v2.0

Allow users to change their username

#1 2009-05-10 23:55
I've updated the NameChange plugin by Spartan (Seditio plugin).

New features and modifications:
- Option to set a default username using tags like {NAME} and {EXTRA1}
- Added more options for minimum wait between changes (up to 10 years)
- Fully localisable (english and dutch included)

- Upload plugin files
- Open phpMyAdmin and run sql.txt on your database
- Go to admin/plugins/namechange and install all
- Open users.profile.tpl for your skin and add this tag {PLUGIN_NAMECHANGE} (next to USERNAME)

Download here
This post was edited by Koradhil (2009-05-11 00:33, 15 years ago)
#2 2009-05-11 00:21
The Links dead

Update: working now
This post was edited by chobblr (2009-05-11 00:24, 15 years ago)
#3 2009-05-11 00:25
Yeah a minor thing popped up (language tag didn't exist) so I had to update the file.
#4 2009-05-11 00:32
great it works, but when a user changes his or her name it takes them to a page saying there not allowed to do this, even though they just did and it worked
#5 2009-05-11 00:38
Check line 76, should be:
header("Location: plug.php?e=namechange&check=1&a=done");
#6 2009-05-11 00:41
woop, thats great, does this alter the user name table ? or is like a mask over the normal one ?

When re-trying the message shows "You can\'t change your username right now. If you really need to change it, please contact an administrator."
This post was edited by chobblr (2009-05-11 00:44, 15 years ago)
#7 2009-05-11 00:44
It will change user_name in sed_users and keeps a record of old names in sed_namechange. Old names can be restored in admin > tools > namechange.
#8 2009-05-11 00:46
Oh, thats even better, nice work :), saves me doing it and gives user that 1 step more freedom