Forums / Cotonti / Bugs / Can't login when using non-standard port

Login attempt redirects to page not found for non-standard port

#1 2012-05-28 17:18

In my first attempt to test out cotonti, I set it up on port 8092 behind Apache. It installed fine but when I attempted to login as the admin I got redirected to a page not found error.

While I have used this "trick" on other software with no problem, I thought it might be my error and moved it to port 80 by just updating the URL in the config file and the Apache sites-available files and it works fine. Because this was Try #1 for me, I didn't save the details of the message but am relatively sure it seemed "sane". That is, had the port number in it.

Clearly this is not a show stopper for anyone but I felt it worth mentioning.

Oops, for to say thing: it is Sienna downloaded this morning from github that this happened with.

El Gringo de Linux en Nicaragua
#2 2012-05-28 18:33

Did you configure cookies correctly? Usually login problems are caused by having an incorrect cookie domain or path in Administration panel / Configuration / Security. You can try to login without enabling the 'remember me' checkbox, that will log you in using a session rather than a cookie.

#3 2012-05-28 18:54

I didn't configure cookies because I could never log in. But, it turns out that the actual URL and error message was still in a tab on the browser on another system. This is after filling in the login box. I am reasonably sure 'remember me' was not checked.

The URL was: http://coolserv:8092/login.php?a=check

The message in the page being displayed was:  An error occured, maybe a wrong URL?

As I said, by just setting up a virtual host on port 80 and changing the URL in config.php, it worked fine.

El Gringo de Linux en Nicaragua
#4 2012-05-28 19:42
in data / config.php $cfg['mainurl'] = 'http://coolserv:8092'; what are you wearing like this ?
#5 2012-05-28 20:09

I'll test it on a custom 8092 port and let you know what I find. There may be a bug. Thanks for reporting!

Added 26 minutes later:

I was able to log-in using port 8092. Here is my mainurl from datas/config.php:

$cfg['mainurl'] = '';

I've found a bug when using custom port and $cfg['multihost'] = TRUE, but it's a different thing.

May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2012-05-28 20:35, 12 years ago)
#6 2012-05-29 00:16

OK, as I don't need this to work (the same install is happily working on port 80), I will just pretend I never saw it. :-)

In a past life I got paid to test software. Ever since I seem to gravitate toward breaking stuff that can't be broken. Good skill -- unless I am just trying to get something done.


El Gringo de Linux en Nicaragua