Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Wanted to introduce myself

An introduction to who I am.

#1 2009-08-17 18:35
Hi Cotonti Community,

I wanted to give a shout out to everyone. I have been using this original core when it was called LDU, then watched it evolve into Sedito and continued watching as it became Cotonti. I have used the backbone for a bunch of websites modifying the core to my liking, and developing custom user applications. I used to work with 2advanced's (Eric) in webdesign, then started my own webfirm back in 2000. After much success, I decided to go freelance, as I like to work solo, rather than in groups on projects. I quickly became interested with AkiRa from Akira Powered, as he was modifying the stock e107 system to his liking. After working with him he launched Tempest which replaces the entire e107 template system with straight CSS.

I am a 22 year old programmer who has been programming since the age of 14. The first language I learned was BASIC and the first program I remember creating that was worth anything was a reverse C module. It used the Boomerang framework to rehash the memmory as it ran and psuedo C style the ASM dumps. From there, I was fascinated making things work on the computer. In 2000 I met a guy named Tom Fulp from who was looking avidly for someone to work on security for his site. He mentioned his website was programmed in PHP and I had absolutly no knowledge of PHP, just HTML Java, and a little bit of SQL experiance from when I taught myself VB with a SQL plug. He introduced me to his friend who originally programmed the site. Ross. Ross became my mentor teaching me PHP the fast and easy way using a basic crash course. To this day I still believe he is one of the best PHP Programmers I have ever met. Since that day I have been working with PHP almost every single day.

I have a huge range of PHP development under my belt. I have worked on many opensource projects. Some include, Elgg, phpSocialBuddy, PHPBB2, e107 commits/changes and a few others. The largest production item that I worked with was when my firm at the time (MintFresh Web Design) started working with VBulletin on a contract for vB2.5 to vB3.0 which allowed a friends and social media intergration. They wanted to create quasi tables that would allow them to add multiple data fields on the same threads as cached ones. We invented a few technologies for this happen using the cron image system which allowed us to manipulate the way crons work.

I feel that I would be a great addition to this website. So I wanted to type up a little piece about me. I look forward to working with all of you, and making everything go smooth. I will be releasing some of my templates shortly, I want to make sure they are up to Cotonti standards before releasing them. Once again. I look forward to working and helping you all.

"I only sleep when I know I won't miss a thing."
This post was edited by Kilandor (2009-08-17 21:41, 14 years ago)
#2 2009-08-17 19:45
... can we help you ...
#3 2009-08-17 19:52

I'm glad to welcome you here at Cotonti forums. It was quite a nice story to read, I wish things will get better for you.

If you are interested in our standards and development documents, they are located here. You may ask me any development-related questions here or in a PM. Contact me if you need any kind of assistance.

Now I wonder what exactly you are going to contribute :)
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-08-17 20:47
Wow, that's a very long shout.. :D

Welcome, I hope you like it here..
#5 2009-08-17 21:40
Hello, but sorry please do not refer to illegal activities or provided link to sites as such.

(editing main post)
#6 2009-08-17 23:02
Glad to have you here, Mynt. Hope you enjoy your stay.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#7 2009-08-18 04:24
Hi Mynt,
That was a very interesting story to read. Welcome to Cotonti. It would be cool if you'd be contributing to our beloved CMS :) I'm sure your skills are very welcome.
#8 2009-08-18 07:09
# Kilandor : Hello, but sorry please do not refer to illegal activities or provided link to sites as such.

(editing main post)

I apologize for that. I didn't even think about that really. Being a web developer I don't usually ask about what the site contains or what its used for. I usually just program and really don't even follow the legality of that situation. I do apologize and won't happen again :-).

"I only sleep when I know I won't miss a thing."