Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Ideas / Updated PFS system


A new version for PFS

#1 2009-04-26 23:00
I have been thinking about building a file manager plugin, much similar to the current PFS system, but with some added features. But as we're on the way to Renaissance, it might be good to just update the PFS system instead of building a plugin. Here's some of the features I had in mind for the plugin:

- Unlimited subdirectories (folder inside a folder)
- 'Physical' folder structure (not all files inside datas/users, but datas/users/userID/foldername)
- Drag & drop (jQuery/AJAX) for moving files
- JS/Flash file upload (like Gmail or Flickr)
- Easy file sharing between users/groups
- Google docs integration (optional)

What do you think, should it be a plugin or core functionality? In other words, should it replace the existing PFS system (keeping most of the DB structure though) ?
This post was edited by Koradhil (2009-05-13 17:55, 15 years ago)
#2 2009-04-26 23:13
These features are great.

And Renaissance has BIG changes, why not implement it directly in it.
I guess all user have benefits it using this.

If not in the core, then in the standard plugins delivered with the release.
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#3 2009-04-26 23:14
Most users complain PFS is poor functionality and request most of things you have just listed. So I think the PFS module needs this remake (ofc, each feature should have an option in admin) and it would be just great if you did it.
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-04-26 23:18
Okay, what about the use of jQuery, I've noticed some people don't like to see it being used in the core (even though this would be a very good use of jQuery's possibilities).
#5 2009-04-26 23:25
It's OK for them if optional (means you can use jQuery+AJAX+JS but make an option to disable it and the site should work without them too).
May the Source be with you!
#6 2009-04-27 04:07
I've already got the subfolder thing working :-)
#7 2009-04-28 09:24
Yea, just make it work so the user can use it with or without JS enabled
#8 2009-05-03 02:17
I've got a beta working now. It incorporates two major new features:
- Folder inside a folder
- Physical folders (demo)

It can be downloaded here (DON'T use on live sites, this is just for testing purposes!).

You will have to replace all files in system/core/pfs and add two columns in your mysql table. Run these SQL queries:
ALTER TABLE 'sed_pfs_folders' ADD 'pff_parentid' INT NOT NULL AFTER 'pff_id';
ALTER TABLE 'sed_pfs_folders' ADD 'pff_path' VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL AFTER 'pff_desc';
This post was edited by Koradhil (2009-05-08 05:55, 15 years ago)
#9 2009-05-08 11:33
Use backticks in the query, not single quotes:
ALTER TABLE `sed_pfs_folders` ADD `pff_parentid` INT NOT NULL AFTER `pff_id`;
ALTER TABLE `sed_pfs_folders` ADD `pff_path` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL AFTER `pff_desc`;

Seems to work, except for some missing language strings and probably TPL needs update.

Continue the good work!

I wonder if everybody is going to move on to physical folders rather than composite file names.
May the Source be with you!
#10 2009-05-08 18:02
Well, there's at least one advantage to physical folders. With the old system it wasn't possible to have identical filenames in different folders.
This post was edited by Koradhil (2009-07-26 17:09, 14 years ago)
#11 2009-05-08 18:14
What do you think, should it be a plugin or core functionality? In other words, should it replace the existing PFS system (keeping most of the DB structure though) ?

personaly i'd not mess with core, stand alone plugin/page is better IMO, ill try it @ home asap
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#12 2009-05-08 18:34
Normally I'd prefer not to modify the core as well, but as Trustmaster indicated, the PFS system requires an overhaul. It has hardly changed since LDU 601, so it's not a bad idea to update the core functionality. This is the perfect time to do this, because Cotonti Renaissance will be the first version to really differ from Seditio in terms of core functionality and coding.
#13 2009-05-09 02:40
Nice Koradhil.
It works fine.

But if I want 2 main dirs
eg 2008 and 2009

I can't make a subdir januari in both dirs.
Will this be solved?

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/k3098kru/public_html/broens/system/core/pfs/ on line 363
Unable to create folder: /januari

If you want to move a file, it gives all dirs, but it doesn't give the maindirs, so everything looks like a main dir.
It would be nice to see the whole path. /kkkk/llll/kkk
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#14 2009-05-09 05:55
I'll look into the duplicate subdir thing, haven't tested this yet.
Moving files/folders is something I haven't done yet so it's likely this will give problems with the current version. Currently only newfolder, deletefolder, uploadfile and deletefile is done.
#15 2009-05-09 19:39
i wanted to do same thing similar but more like cleaning up pfs. by either removeing some of the stuff and make it into plugins or rearrange so its easier to manage. like make a tpl for file list or uploading, anything.

anyway, i thought i share the uploading part. i made a plugin for seditio where you can upload any size file with out a browser time out.

i use this script and still using it but it an older verison.

its really good and once im done updating my plugin with this new version ill posted here.
