Forums / Cotonti / Skins / How to use international characters in skins?


#1 2009-03-13 07:23
Yes, i want to use norwegian characters in the TPLs, how do i do that?

Now they just show up as ?

Its these characters:


#2 2009-03-13 09:08
Make sure the file is UTF8
#3 2009-03-13 19:14
In admin>skin localization it is set to UTF8

Whats weird is that if i use ÆØÅ in the site and not in the TPLs it works but when i put it in the TPLs it just becomes a ?

Nevermind just had to save the actual file with that encoding
This post was edited by DemptD (2009-03-13 19:24, 15 years ago)
#4 2009-03-13 19:45
Yep, as Kilandor said, you need to have all skin files encoded in UTF8. If you havent done this already you can use either of the two solutions in this topic
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 2009-03-16 23:08
Thanks for all the info!

But why doesnt this work in the language files?

When i use "ÆØÅ" in the language files the layout gets all messed up in IE but looks fine in FF.
#6 2009-03-16 23:09
Did you encode the language files?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#7 2009-03-16 23:32
# Lombi : Did you encode the language files?

Yes i did, works fine now in the TPLs but not in the language files...
#8 2009-03-16 23:36
Can you give me a URL of the problem live?

Please doubleckeck that you have encoded ALL the language files correctly - the system ones, skin ones as well as the plugin ones.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#9 2009-03-16 23:46
DemptD: To avoid problems with national characters you have to make sure that:
1. All language files (main, skin, plugins) are encoded to UTF-8 (without BOM)
2. All TPL-files where you use national chars are also encoded to UTF-8 (without BOM)
I would recommend that to you do not use Notepad for encoding. Get yourself NotePad++ or some other decent text editor. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#10 2009-03-17 00:04
# Kort : DemptD: To avoid problems with national characters you have to make sure that:
1. All language files (main, skin, plugins) are encoded to UTF-8 (without BOM)
2. All TPL-files where you use national chars are also encoded to UTF-8 (without BOM)
I would recommend that to you do not use Notepad for encoding. Get yourself NotePad++ or some other decent text editor.

Ohh that solved it after i used Notepad++, thanks! :)
#11 2009-03-17 00:31
Most welcome. Do not forget to share Norwegian localisation with the Cotonti community :-) - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти