Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / can i request a plugin?

i hope theres one

#1 2009-05-07 04:39
is there any global announcement and seprate sticky from norma threads core hack or plugins available?? and a top 10 stats too :D sorry for my english >.<
[b]I give you stuffs... and my stuffs i give you![/b] :D
This post was edited by code_87 (2009-05-07 04:46, 15 years ago)
#2 2009-05-07 14:56
You mean like on this site?
On home you have "Welcome To Cotonti!" with some text?

Or in the forum?

Statistics for forums, you can find at
... can we help you ...
#3 2009-05-07 18:33
global announcement for forums sir... all forums section has an announcement just like in vb? and how about sitemap sir? is t3 sitemap works with cotonti?
[b]I give you stuffs... and my stuffs i give you![/b] :D
#4 2009-05-08 00:22
T3 sitemap is for google (and other engines), it's not for generating a user-browsable map of your site. What you're looking for is a plugin that lists all page/forum categories and the underlying pages/topics in a tree. This shouldn't be too hard for anyone to build.
#5 2009-05-08 01:07
sir what about the overview plugin is that working? coz its included in senator skin :D
[b]I give you stuffs... and my stuffs i give you![/b] :D
#6 2009-05-08 06:34
Overview is a seditio plug, so it will probably work fine on cotonti. Haven't tried it myself but I think it'll work fine.
#7 2009-05-08 07:57
thanks sir it works :D
[b]I give you stuffs... and my stuffs i give you![/b] :D