Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Beta Release] MediaLibrary2 Gallery


beta release of the medilib gallery

#46 2009-05-20 21:25
# pieter : If you see here Captcha is working.

I use a plugin for it.
It is not a part of medialibrary and it is not needed.

comcaptcha: Plugin to protect the comments for guests with a CAPTCHA.

Oh, nice thanks! :)
#47 2009-05-20 23:47
# DemptD : If a imagename exists when uploading a new image it just adds "name_2.jpg".

Could you make a setting to overwrite or ask what to do or something?
Done, Option now under admin config. [Uploads] Section

# DemptD : See here:

Also when editing a category which is a sub-category it sets the "Change Parent (Move category and subcats) " to "Root" automaticly.
Tusen Takk! Fixed. Now it will behave correctly.

Really Nice skin btw. Really like it!
# DemptD : Is it possible to allow guests to comment and have captcha?

Cannot get index tags to show up on my index.

jaja, The comments are from the engine, Any comment mods will show up. Another reason why i choce not to use my comment system from medlib1, which, was ncier, but, comments in the engine and mdos to them such as that you requested. Will be plugins.

ALso i have redone the "gallery-view" parsing. Made it alot simpler. I found abug when viewing 2 files last time. Now ive redone it for files and folders and SHOULD behave correctly. Making proper rows and columns for folders and files. im soon going to add the abnility to provide more than 1 latest image for folders, maybe random images too. Reading outt he skin what was asked for to save time. THis will mean categories displays are really really configurable.

Again same download link as before
This post was edited by Elgan (2009-05-20 23:53, 15 years ago)
#48 2009-05-21 02:34
How do I add a POTD/POTW/... ??

How do I see all pictures in a popup? I only see 6 of the category not all of them.
Only the one's on the page.
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2009-05-21 03:03, 15 years ago)
#49 2009-05-21 03:04
When viewing a image the "next page" doesnt work.

See here:

When i click "Next page" it just reloads the same image.

And the index tags doesnt work.


Thats what i have tried.
#50 2009-05-21 03:10
# DemptD : When viewing a image the "next page" doesnt work.

Right, that's because there isnt any image newer than that one. It's a simple algo, might need to loop it.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#51 2009-05-21 06:47
Indeed, If u turn on the filmstrip option to see the current image. u will see how it works. it displays the current image and then the film strips next to it, clicking next will got ot the next tillt he end etc.

Actually the film strip since i changed it to follow things maybe looks or could work ebtter the other way round for u , ill double check that since i changed the code recently.

I might also make the "next page" button, loop to the front, or just dissapear. However it is correct, if u look at the #id's on the page, displayed really for my benefit rather than peoples. it goes up 52,53 and stops. 53 items in that category.

As for index tags. I dont know right now, make sure the header.tags is installed. i have them working, does anything display? im going to double check them.

EDIT: Will double check tags tomorrow, I might of broken them moving functions.

# pieter : How do I add a POTD/POTW/... ??

The POTD, wee, month,year. Is the best rated pic between those dates, On the index page if no best rated pic for that day is found, it backtracks till it finds the last best rated.

so really it is the best post of the day, month, year.

Thought that was the easiest way to show "posts of the day". Rather than have a huge list and rely on admins to click "set as potd". Which is better?
What do people like? I thought it would be good to be able to see "best pic of this day". Then at the end of the day, uc an see which was rated best, because it becomes POTD.

# pieter :
How do I see all pictures in a popup? I only see 6 of the category not all of them.
Only the one's on the page.

THe Jquery plugin works by showing all the images on the page in full. I could extend it to show ALLlllll the images with some sort of ajax call back, tho its not my plugin and would maybe need hacking. any jquery lightbox would probably do the same unless its custom. to show allll the pages.
This can be set as soemthing nice for the future, or ic ould build a slide show feature somewhere?

Okei i did find a bug in the idnex tags. This is a fix build.

Fixes that bug, also adds some performance gain on some things. Tho v.minor.
Other things , internal, i just added a link to groups and categories in the rights sections. Moved and combined the parse line function. Soem slight skin edits.

Moved some code in the common to check and synq ml-groups with cotonti groups, incase a group was deleetd or added.

moved/swapped the next and previous buttons arround to make mroe sense. They now loop, so previous will linkt o the first once it hits the last etc.

link is again the same: Medialibrary Beta
This post was edited by Elgan (2009-05-22 00:41, 15 years ago)
#52 2009-05-23 02:13
Hmm index tags still not working :P
#53 2009-05-23 02:54
hm, sorry. Try redownloading and reuploading. As i made some edits to view.tpl. however when i checked on your link above. I dont see them edits.
#54 2009-05-23 03:13
# Elgan : hm, sorry. Try redownloading and reuploading. As i made some edits to view.tpl. however when i checked on your link above. I dont see them edits.

Just me beeing stupid, forgot to extract the new rar :P

It works now


Hmm, do i have to add a tag to get the captcha to show up?

It works on normal pages:

But not in the medlib:

This post was edited by DemptD (2009-05-23 05:01, 15 years ago)
#55 2009-05-23 08:42
It's because the plugin is not global and only plugs into pages.

I edited the plugin so it should work global. (will now need comment.tpl tags)

a mod will soon validate it and it will be in the downloads section of this website as comcaptcha.

while posting it, i also found this one.

I checked the code and that looks global and should work fine too. SO now you have an options of 2.
#56 2009-05-23 09:10
# Elgan : It's because the plugin is not global and only plugs into pages.

I edited the plugin so it should work global. (will now need comment.tpl tags)

a mod will soon validate it and it will be in the downloads section of this website as comcaptcha.

while posting it, i also found this one.

I checked the code and that looks global and should work fine too. SO now you have an options of 2.

Thank you!

Worked :)
#57 2009-05-23 19:52
@ Elgan.

Just wanted to thank you for a awsome plugin and for your excellent support.
#58 2009-05-24 05:39
# Kingsley : @ Elgan.

Just wanted to thank you for a awsome plugin and for your excellent support.

Agree! Best plugin for a looong time. And the support and development is superb!


This is the admin group, and i cant see those categories...

And if i edit a category it doesnt "remember" the rights i set for the groups, just removes everything.

If select all boxes on there it doesnt remeber it, removes all selections

Also the "Icon" for the categories, it doesnt show up when i add a url to a image in the box.

I see the tag is there:

<!-- BEGIN: CATEGORY -->				
							<a href="{CATEGORY_URL}">{CATEGORY_NAME}</a>
						<td style="text-align:center">
						<td style="text-align:center">{CATEGORY_SIZE}</td>
				<!-- END: CATEGORY -->

But the image doesnt show up.
This post was edited by DemptD (2009-05-24 23:42, 15 years ago)
#59 2009-05-25 01:04
ahh ty both for the kidn words.

and damn! I guess if it works, dont fix it. I messed witht he rights on the last edit. :(
#60 2009-05-25 01:40
Awersome plugin. Thanks!

Maybe add automatic crop image functional to plugin?
