Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Beta Release] MediaLibrary2 Gallery


beta release of the medilib gallery

#31 2009-05-18 22:03

is not found, mkdir is not making folders on your server? or is it? Did you set the medialibrary_path in datas/common?
This post was edited by Elgan (2009-05-18 23:35, 15 years ago)
#32 2009-05-18 23:09
problem solved.. it works like a charm now..

I did made the medialibrary folder, but not in /site/datas but in /uc/datas.

thx anyway for your patience and help
#33 2009-05-18 23:28

glad it's fixed. It should actually create the folder but nm. Rights thing.

Im just working on updating the multi uploader feedback so if it fails an upload it feeds back with a null progress bar and doesnt count it as finished. While still displays the error.

I aalso might move the files out of mymedia main page and palce them in a seprate page? Thoughts? Wont have direct overview of files. However It wont become clutterd with information about latest comments and ratings. Might try it and see what people think.
#34 2009-05-19 04:01
2009-05-18 21:58
Fatal error : Wrong parameter in the URL.
Current Speed 248.35 Kbps Time Elapsed 0.89 s Time Remaining 0 s Size Uploaded 112.86 KB

That happens when i upload several images on the multi uploader...
#35 2009-05-19 04:05
what version of cotonti are u using?
#36 2009-05-19 05:32
# Elgan : what version of cotonti are u using?

#37 2009-05-19 06:29
There are some "bugs" relating to system stuff that's fixed in the version that's coming, in 005.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#38 2009-05-19 06:37
okei, ill look into it. Try clearing all your sessions/cookies. it may have some left over thats stopped it. Needed a fresh start.

anyone else having problems?

Btw note: for people editing the skin, Ive moved my media files to a new tpl medialibrary.mymedia.files.tpl and edited some of the menu in medlib.mymedia.tpl. I also made the upload class more language friendly and report more errors. including creation of folders. Also made the flash uploader report more and show better distinction between failed and successful files. As if they failed it would sitll show it uploaded. tho in the list, it would be failed. unless u know what you were looking for, u might not notice. i also added an option for "default view" for files and categories. So guests etc will see them your default way. So i will have a new rar up when my site actually loads (server seems to be down). ill mention here when ive uploaded a new one.

Plus im looking at more advanced thumbnail creation. ironicly there is now a topic in the forums on thumbnails. Medlib includes code to round thumbnails on top of ones created by the engine. However ive found a little php class which would allow me to add little options to allow admins to set if the thumbnails are created using what methods, including rounded thumbnails, drop shadows etc. might be a nice little thing to add, plsu i think i heard lombi say he had some nice little thumb sharpening functions. Which could be set as an option.

PLus depending on thoughts, looking at adding "tagging" So, placing notes onto images themselves. For example facebooks "tag people". You can create little rectangles on images and set "tags". What do people think?
This post was edited by Elgan (2009-05-19 07:00, 15 years ago)
#39 2009-05-19 14:04
I tested it a little, and it is great, exactly what I was looking for.
There are still some problems, but I'm sure they will be solved.

And all features you are telling about are great. A lot of people will use this plugin.
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#40 2009-05-20 00:30
# pieter : Clean install.
Created the sql
Installed the gallery

And all worked. Except the skin, but this is my job I guess :-D

one error for the moment: Statistics

"Fatal error : SQL error : Invalid use of group function"

# pieter : MySQL version 4.1.22-standard

Ok so here is the thing. it's because of a bug in mysql 4.x

I had to go about installing mysql, and ill see if i can make it compatable, or should i drop support for 4? hehe, for now, im working on changing the query.


Ok pieter. Ive made changed to the query strings. Which should give a bit of support for mySql 4.x.

Please download and try the latest. Link again is the same:

For others, It also includes the edits to mymedia. Moving the files to a seprate page and also improving feedback on the multi uploader.

Medialibrary Beta.rar
This post was edited by Elgan (2009-05-20 00:42, 15 years ago)
#41 2009-05-20 01:45
Statistics work.
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#42 2009-05-20 06:55
dl link doesn't work..
#43 2009-05-20 06:58
Sorry my server is down AGAIN. The plugin is too big to upload here.

Sorry, i cant do anything but wait for the server to come back up. it's been going down daily, grr :(
#44 2009-05-20 08:27
If a imagename exists when uploading a new image it just adds "name_2.jpg".

Could you make a setting to overwrite or ask what to do or something?

See here:

Also when editing a category which is a sub-category it sets the "Change Parent (Move category and subcats) " to "Root" automaticly.

Is it possible to allow guests to comment and have captcha?

Cannot get index tags to show up on my index.
This post was edited by DemptD (2009-05-20 09:04, 15 years ago)
#45 2009-05-20 19:09
# DemptD : Is it possible to allow guests to comment and have captcha?

If you see here Captcha is working.

I use a plugin for it.
It is not a part of medialibrary and it is not needed.

comcaptcha: Plugin to protect the comments for guests with a CAPTCHA.
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This post was edited by pieter (2009-05-20 19:14, 15 years ago)
