Forums / Cotonti / Support / copy/paste problem

#9821 2009-03-12 03:11
Welcome, I'm a new user to Cotonti, but not to seditio. My regards for the work You've done, I have a problem, that I'm not quite sure what's causing it;

editing a news, pasting some info, after clicking "update" it leaves me with just couple of the first letters...
the same thing while editing;
.../admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=menus [Menu slots in header.tpl] i edited all the info, updated it, and it left me with just the first link I entered... just cannot figure out what the problem is...

Please help, time isn't my friend, I need to finish up a portal... If someone knows what's wrong, or wants access to the site feel free to ask. Thanks!

PS. Using cotonti skin ( and - Cotonti Genesis 0.0.3