Forums / Cotonti / Support / HTML Signature for special groups only?

#9812 2009-03-12 01:34
Is there a way to allow only a certain user group the ability to have HTML signatures? Like with level 30 or above?

Maybe there is a way but I'm just not seeing it.

Or if anyone has a work around and would like to share please reply or PM me

In the mean time I really needed to get a work around until we can safely allow users to have img signatures so rather than have them ask us 100 times why their signature don't show we just put the message in the functions.php file

		$bbcodes_img = array(
			'\\[img\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/img\\]' => 'Woops! Your signature image is not allowed yet, we are working on it',
			'\\[thumb=([^\\[]*)\\[/thumb\\]' => '',
			'\\[t=([^\\[]*)\\[/t\\]' => '',
			'\\[list\\]' => '',
			'\\[style=([^\\[]*)\\]' => '',
			'\\[quote' => '',
			'\\[code' => ''
This post was edited by CorpQuid (2009-03-12 02:30, 15 years ago)