Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / set metas from standalone plugin

#9027 2009-02-28 12:33
Well I see what your doing dervan, its a interesting idea, it would save a header hook everywhere, but as i've said that will be change in the future. But it goes back to exactly what trust was saying, for some people it might cause double processing.

Maybe we should hold off till then, none of this will be included untill 0.1.0 anyways.

Here is a idea of how the new Advanced hooking will be improved.
  • Hooks to be allow to be only included on specific areas.
  • Ex, a header hook only included on user.details, or a plugin header hook, only included on plug.php?e=myplugin
  • Timed Hooks, hook is only included on its page, when the time has passed, sorta like a cron.
  • Multi-Hooking, hooking a single php file into multiple area's.

And maybe more features.

So it comes down to, do we know any plugins, or possible reasons if we move the header. That could cause problems?

My thoughts are, it may cause problems with whoisonline.
It changes the logical flow of things (sorta).

My only other thought is that, anywhere else outside of standalone, the header.main hook would have to be used anyways. So it would just keep it the same for anything needed.