Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / set metas from standalone plugin

#8815 2009-02-25 11:09
Actually using output hook in that method would be alot worse and more difficult orkan. Since all the keywords and such can be hooked into by header.main anyways.

The only way that moving where header is included would be if a plugin used any data generated by header, which is possible. Then it would completely break it, I truthfully don't know any off hand like this, but it may break future things like a more updated Whoisonline tracking method.

I can see the reason for moving it, but it doesn't solve all the problems. Also do remember this, we will be getting more advanced hooking methods, so that a hook is only loaded on certain pages/area's. By moving the header all it does is save that hook, and in some cases yes maybe extra processing.

The handling of $t won't be hard, i've already thought of how it can be done, because yes you have to store the $t from the plugin, and hold it till header parsed, then let main use the $t from the plugin.