Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Release] Site Trend - Search Engine Crawl Rate Tracker

Search Engine Crawl Rate Tracker

#8500 2009-02-21 04:31
Well, as Lombi requested here this Crawl Rate Tracker, I've made it for cotonti.

What is it?

Studying crawl rate is hugely important because it helps you find out which pages are trusted most by the search engines (especially Google). The more Google trusts a page the greater the frequency it will re-visit that page. If you build a few deep links and see your crawl rate for the target page suddenly increase you can be confident that the links are highly trusted and that you should try to get some more.


MSN, Yahoo & Google from your dashboard.
Access crawl data for 3 main search engines
Monitor your crawl rate over time
Discover how crawl rate is related to PageRank


To install Site Trend plugin, first execute SQL_sitetrend.sql file to your sql server.

1. Execute SQL_sitetrend.sql file
2. Put the «sitetrend» plugin into your «plugins» folder.
3. Go to Admin => Plugins => Sitetrend and install the plugin.
4. Configure tpl/sitetrend.tpl for your own needs.


To see crawl, go to the plugin page (plug.php?e=sitetrend).

Download Site Trend 0.1
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This post was edited by m_ogz (2009-02-21 05:26, 15 years ago)