Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Standard bbcodes list

#623 2008-08-22 11:33
#619 NovoKain : - code
It impossible. This tag for strike text.

My offer.

1. Style text
[b]text[/b] - Makes text bold.
[i]text[/i] - Makes text italicized.
[u]text[/u] - Underlines text.
[s]text[/s] - Strikes out text.

2. Aligns text, pictures, etc
[left]left align[/left]	- Aligns enclosed items to the left.
[center]centered[/center] - Aligns enclosed items to the center.
[right]right align[/right]	- Aligns enclosed items to the right.

3. Codes and quotes.
[ code ]code[ /code ] - Used to insert codes.
[ quote ]text[ /quote ] or [ quote=Author ]text[ /quote ] - Used to insert quote box.

4. Images and links.
[img]http://somesite/image.jpg[/img] - Inserts image
[url]http://somesite[/url] or [url=http://somesite]Site Name[/url] Inserts link

5. Color tags (as were in SE)


[li]item[/li] - Inserts items in list format (points).

[ol]item[/ol] - Inserts items in list format (numbers).

[table][/table]	- Inserts a table.
[tr][/tr] - Inserts a row into a table.
[th][/th] - Inserts a title column into a table.
[td][/td] - Inserts a column into a table.